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Shire Technology’s extreme low temperature endurance capsules for power transformer have been successfully applied in Russia and other cold climate countries

Shire Technology’s extreme low temperature endurance capsules for power transformer have been successfully applied in Russia and other cold climate countries

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Tolerance - 50 ℃, meet the application requirements in extremely cold areas


In September 2017, Shandong Electric Power Equipment Co., Ltd. successfully supplied Power Transformer equipped with the capsule of Shire Technological to Russia and other countries and regions with cold climate, marking the successful application of the capsules of Shire Technology for extremely low temperature power transformer.

The low temperature resistance of rubber materials has been a key technical problem and research direction. At room temperature, the rubber material with good formula can ensure good performance, while at extremely low temperature, the rubber material will show brittleness. At extremely low temperature, the brittleness of capsule material used in power transformer will lead to damage in operation and threatens the safe operation of transformer equipment.

At the beginning of 2017, based on the successful development and extensive application of L-IPS capsules, in order to provide more reliable capsule products for national power engineering in extreme cold climate areas, Shire Technology, relying on the innovation platform of the Group, cooperates closely with Hengrui Polymer New Materials Company. The formulation of the capsule was optimized to withstand lower ambient temperature, so that the capsule products could meet the requirements of using in extremely cold environment. (picture: low-temperature resistant capsule; Photo caption: Shire’s extremely low temperature resistant capsule for power transformer can tolerate - 50 ℃ low temperature)

The research and development of Shire Technology extremely low temperature power transformer capsules has attracted extensive attention from the industry and users. Shandong Electric Power Equipment co., Ltd., took the lead in the application of a 500kV substation project in Heilongjiang province. Good product performance and operation performance won high praise from users. Meanwhile, Shandong Electric Power Equipment Co., Ltd. also rapidly matches Shire Technology Capsule for power transformer equipment exported to Russia and other cold countries and regions to ensure the safe operation of equipment in extremely low temperature environment.

At present, power transformer equipment manufacturers in cold countries and regions such as Russia have also cooperated with Shire Technology to conduct performance certification for extreme low temperature capsules, and will fully apply Shire Technology products after certification.


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